Quote of the Week
“...been a long time since I Rock'n'Rolled...” - ME

Merry Giftmas and Happy New Year. It's the new and improved non-religious, non-denominational winter holiday. I have already ranted on the extreme commercialism of Christmas so I won't go there, but I am curious how many of you are as sick as I am about all the Christmas Tree removal and Merry Christmas crap. Come on, man. Just let it go. I know we live in the United States of the Offended but when are we going to say enough is enough? First off, I could give a rat's ass about seeing menoras or kinaras. Jewish people do not offend me. People who celebrate Kwanzaa do not offend me. I don't care about the display of their "Winter Holiday" symbols. My problem is the fact that so many of them have such a beef with seeing a damn Christmas Tree. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG??!!! If we can't get along then the very least you could all do is shut the hell up.
I mean it.
Shut up.
Thank you in advance.

Very, very funny.

Studio 60 had a group of musicians from New Orleans on the "show within the show" and they blew me away. I embedded the video but it looked ugly so I figured I would just insert a direct link in a post. Check this out.
Troy Andrews aka. Trombone Shorty is the lead guy and he is incredible.

I want to apologize to my friends and family who wait with baited breath to read my next insightful post. It has been a while since my last post due to finals, work, laziness and good old fashioned "I don't have time for that crap right now!" But those days will soon be over. As the holiday season bears down upon us like a 300 lbs. fruitcake that was stuffed in the pantry last year, I take solace in the fact that I have you, my faithful readers, to bring joy and purpose to my life in the season of shivving, err, giving. Who am I kidding? I don't even know why I do this! What a waste of time! This totally sucks! I'm just kidding, it occupies time right? It looks really cool right? Anyway. Oh yeah, the holidays. Is it just me or do they start pulling out the bows and mistletoe earlier and earlier each year? Walmart had Christmas crap out with the Halloween costumes! Enjoy your kids and try to ignore the vacant eyes and expressions of disappointment on the faces of those around you for three more weeks. Then we can settle back into our apathetic monotony. Damn. I can't wait.

Well, it has been a downhill slide since Miami. What can you do? The worst season since '76. Maybe Jeff's hasty exit will prove good for next year, maybe not. Nevertheless, this kind of season will test your mettle. No fair-weather fans here. Die hard all the way baby. We will be back; with a vengeance. Hail Bobby.
I am currently in mourning over my beloved Seminoles and derogatory remarks regarding Saturday's game versus Wake Forrest will result in my boot in your grill. Feel free to send flowers.

If there were a prize given to the most original tattoo on the planet, this would be in the top ten. It is a little disturbing, but you have got to give credit for imagination. The subtle expression of joy and amusement that the artist rendered on the face of monkey number two is fascinating to me in a very execrable way.
As many of you know, I like tattoos. Lets just say I have a couple. If you are interested in getting "inked" may I suggest a couple of sites that will guide you through the wonderful journey of skin art. Endless galleries to choose from or to amass ideas for an original design of your own. Enjoy.
Tattoo Johnny
Tattoo Finder

As some of you may know, I have a Gigasize account which is basically a virtual hard drive that allows you to store files online. You may subsequently retrieve them from any computer with an Internet connection or share the files with friends. I have posted a few very cool songs by an artist I have been introduced to recently. If you would like to listen to them, please click on the following links:
Reverend Horton Heat - It's Martini Time
Reverend Horton Heat - Galaxy 500
If you want more information about starting your own Gigasize account, you may click HERE to get started. Let me know what you think.

I guess the American public does not know how to react with something intelligent on TV. God forbid we sit down and watch anything other that stupid-ass UNreality shows that cost nothing to produce, require little or no thought process to make, and panders to the lethargic, mind-numb lemmings that faithfully report to ol' Mister Neilsen. Now I am not saying that I don't enjoy the occasional "Idol" scandal, but come on!! Studio 60 is apparently on the chopping block for lackluster ratings. And they scheduled it opposite Monday Night Football. Imagine that. NBC must have thought that they couldn't compete with CSI Hackensack or whatever the hell new city that I am sure they have recently added. Oh well, that is all. I reluctantly relinquish my soapbox. Watch what makes you happy. I am going to go read a book.
By the way, a book is one of those paper thingys with words in it.

Hey, we finally found someone we could beat! I mean really beat! 33-0! Isn't that great? One better than .500 is not as bad as .500. I am just looking for something to celebrate here. Let me have it. Please. Pretty please.
Okay. It is obvious at this point that our season is in the toilet. That is okay, you can't beat 'em all every year. Now why don't we cut the man a little slack. So Jeff may not be the best O-Coordinator in the history of the game; so what?! We will get it back next year. We still got a shot at those hacks down south. We could make our entire season worth it on one game. Keep your fingers crossed.
Okay people, I know I don't post every day but at least when I do I put some thought into it. Does anyone else find it as despairing as I do that this guy is the only person I can get to leave a comment? Come on! Give me a break! Sumbody gotta give sum feed-back, pimp!
And yes, I do realize that making calumniating remarks about the one guy doing what I want people to do seems somewhat anti-productive. But oh well, I owe him a couple. NOW START COMMENTING!! And thank you in advance for your continued support.

You know, as a father of a little girl, I have spent more than a little time considering the implications of the social perception of beauty on my daughter. Quite frankly, it scares the crap out of me. How do you combat a world of misdirection and bullshit? I am not exactly sure, but I am betting I will have a lot of use for the video I have linked to below. Dove soap has started a campaign against this exact issue. I urge you to take a few minutes to watch. It is not something we did not know, but it is something that my young daughter NEEDS to know. Behold: a digitally enhanced and fantastically beautiful America.
Campaign For Real Beauty

Last night I saw the greatest rock band in the history of rock: "Everclear." I drove all the way to Mobile, Alabama and it was awesome. But the best part is that after the show I met Art Alexakis and he signed a copy of their new CD. You want to talk about crazy. Can you dig it?

You know, my two favorite teams are the mighty Florida State Seminoles...and of course anyone playing the Gators. Today I enjoyed a devastating Seminole victory over Duke and my second favorite team (this Saturday) the Auburn Tigers stuck it to those no-talent hacks from down Gainesville way. What a great day! Those losers damn sure won't be ranked #2 come Monday!

Okay. I really try to limit the amount of television that allow myself to become invested in. That said, as a huge "West Wing" fan, when I heard Aaron Sorkin had a new show on NBC I had to take a chance. I have waited for three episodes before I chose to blog on the topic. Now I can confidently say that this show is absolutely amazing. "West Wing" fans still in mourning over the loss of our beloved show collectively stood and cheered after watching the season premier of "Studio 60." It has the same fast-paced drama and intelligence that made "West Wing" great. If you deplore most of the crap on television like I do, I urge you to give this a try. As TV goes...this is extraordinary.

I apologize to Mrs. Sandra Bennage for not properly acknowledging that the totally sweet pDNA referral came from her and not from Chris as I stated. I should have immediately known that something that cool was not from Chris.

Chris Bennage turned me on to this cool site called Personal DNA that offers a free psychological profile. It is very cool. I had to take it twice though. The first time I took it the results said I was a "Psychopathic Serial Killer". I thought that was crap so I took it again and lied my ass off on every question. The link below will allow you to view my profile.
My Personal Dna Report

Southport, Florida is widely responsible for the humbling designation of "Redneck Riviera" that has been bestowed upon our little community. Well, Southport and the plethora of idiots from Alabama that flock here from their normal place of residence at the shallow end of the gene pool. Anyway, Lynn Haven is adjacent to Southport and attempting to annex it into what I can only assume is the 21st century. Southport vehemently objects to its assimilation into anything other than camouflage and confederate flags. They lost their election signs outlining their position on the upcoming annexation ballet. I can't help but admire not only their determination in the face of disaster but also the wit displayed in this sarcastic quip. I hope you find this as funny as I did.

If you are a big fan of Google like I am, might I suggest a cool little game that Google has devised that actually helps them make searches faster and more accurate. Check out the following link:
http://images.google.com/imagelabeler/ . All you have to do is label the images as fast as you can as you try to match the labels entered by a random and anonymous partner. Pretty cool and very addictive.
Did you see it? Miami who? I look forward to gloating all season as we go undefeated! Next week: poor Troy State. Be sure to send your condolences early.
Well, it does appear that I will not be attending the Nickelback concert in Tallahassee. To much crap to do. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Everclear is back together! New album coming out next month, new tour schedule, and most importantly: They are coming to Mobile, Alabama in October. That is close enough. I thought I had lost my opportunity to see the greatest rock band in history in concert when they broke up. I always said that if they came within 300 miles of where I was that I would be there. Dreams can come true. Freakin' Everclear, baby! Back together! Anyway, stay tuned for future info. If you want to go, let me know. Maybe we can work something out. I am a reasonable guy. I can be bought, or at least bribed if the price is right. Just remember, I'm easy but I ain't cheap. Make sure you check out the twisted short film "Room to Breathe" starring Everclear frontman Art Alexakis posted below.
Have you ever seen the Daisy Sour Cream commercials. "A dollop, a dollop, a dollop of Daisy." Why wasn't the guy who came up with this pile of crap euthanized at birth?
Well, I am trying to eliminate annoyances that I hate before I get started. I want my links to open in a new window rather than redirecting the current window. This is apparently harder than it seems. For all of the faithful readers out there, I'm working on it. Please check out the new "Best Movies Ever Made" section. Criticism of items on the list is not welcome, but feel free to let me know if you think I left any good ones off. Maybe I will add them, but probably not. I give a rat's ass about what movies you like. This is Beaux's Blog.
Well, this is as far as I am going tonight. If I get any hits, sorry it sucks. Come back later. I will try to make it better.

My heartbeat. What else can I say?
Here is my first blog. Enjoy.