Beaux Avery singing with Everclear

Quote of the Week

“...been a long time since I Rock'n'Rolled...” - ME


SNL Video

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What's New?

I suddenly feel like writing. Things are slow at the moment. How many times in your life have you had an extended period of absolutely nothing to do. Waking up on Monday morning and not having a job to do or a task to complete gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. The current state of our economy...SUCKS! Well, I guess that is enough of that.

Let's move on.

Good News: I just spent two weeks in England for Christmas. Very, very, cool. If you have the means, I highly recommend making the trip (that was a little Ferris shout out for the movie buffs among you!) is currently getting revamped. I am hoping that will keep me busy for a while and maybe generate a little somthin'-somthin'!! Right? Right.

I have decided to post a pic I took in Sussex, England. This is Bodiam Castle. Rather than regurgitating a long fact sheet regarding this amazing castle, I will just say click here to learn more. Even if you are aware the fact that things are much older in Europe, it is still a shocking realization to stand in front of a structure that is 400 years older than our country!

And...Big Ben was totally rad :)