Beaux Avery singing with Everclear

Quote of the Week

“...been a long time since I Rock'n'Rolled...” - ME


SNL Video

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas time's a comin'

I want to apologize to my friends and family who wait with baited breath to read my next insightful post. It has been a while since my last post due to finals, work, laziness and good old fashioned "I don't have time for that crap right now!" But those days will soon be over. As the holiday season bears down upon us like a 300 lbs. fruitcake that was stuffed in the pantry last year, I take solace in the fact that I have you, my faithful readers, to bring joy and purpose to my life in the season of shivving, err, giving. Who am I kidding? I don't even know why I do this! What a waste of time! This totally sucks! I'm just kidding, it occupies time right? It looks really cool right? Anyway. Oh yeah, the holidays. Is it just me or do they start pulling out the bows and mistletoe earlier and earlier each year? Walmart had Christmas crap out with the Halloween costumes! Enjoy your kids and try to ignore the vacant eyes and expressions of disappointment on the faces of those around you for three more weeks. Then we can settle back into our apathetic monotony. Damn. I can't wait.

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