Beaux Avery singing with Everclear

Quote of the Week

“...been a long time since I Rock'n'Rolled...” - ME


SNL Video

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

Okay. I really try to limit the amount of television that allow myself to become invested in. That said, as a huge "West Wing" fan, when I heard Aaron Sorkin had a new show on NBC I had to take a chance. I have waited for three episodes before I chose to blog on the topic. Now I can confidently say that this show is absolutely amazing. "West Wing" fans still in mourning over the loss of our beloved show collectively stood and cheered after watching the season premier of "Studio 60." It has the same fast-paced drama and intelligence that made "West Wing" great. If you deplore most of the crap on television like I do, I urge you to give this a try. As TV goes...this is extraordinary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DUDE!!...where is "HEROES" on your best tv show list...c'mon man!!