Beaux Avery singing with Everclear

Quote of the Week

“...been a long time since I Rock'n'Rolled...” - ME


SNL Video

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mitt, Mitt, Mitt

I really don't want to beat the Mitt Romney thing in the ground, but it was pretty cool to meet a potential POTUS. I just had to post this. Damn that guy in the background is good looking.

And no, I didn't Photoshop this. Although I must admit that the first time I saw this photo I thought, "Man, it looks like I could have Photoshopped this!"

I didn't.



Sir Vance-a-lot said...

Are you sure you didn't photoshop it?

Your head is smaller than everyone else.

Christopher Bennage said...

And we know that that's not realistic!