Quote of the Week
“...been a long time since I Rock'n'Rolled...” - ME

Well, it has been a downhill slide since Miami. What can you do? The worst season since '76. Maybe Jeff's hasty exit will prove good for next year, maybe not. Nevertheless, this kind of season will test your mettle. No fair-weather fans here. Die hard all the way baby. We will be back; with a vengeance. Hail Bobby.
I am currently in mourning over my beloved Seminoles and derogatory remarks regarding Saturday's game versus Wake Forrest will result in my boot in your grill. Feel free to send flowers.

If there were a prize given to the most original tattoo on the planet, this would be in the top ten. It is a little disturbing, but you have got to give credit for imagination. The subtle expression of joy and amusement that the artist rendered on the face of monkey number two is fascinating to me in a very execrable way.
As many of you know, I like tattoos. Lets just say I have a couple. If you are interested in getting "inked" may I suggest a couple of sites that will guide you through the wonderful journey of skin art. Endless galleries to choose from or to amass ideas for an original design of your own. Enjoy.
Tattoo Johnny
Tattoo Finder

As some of you may know, I have a Gigasize account which is basically a virtual hard drive that allows you to store files online. You may subsequently retrieve them from any computer with an Internet connection or share the files with friends. I have posted a few very cool songs by an artist I have been introduced to recently. If you would like to listen to them, please click on the following links:
Reverend Horton Heat - It's Martini Time
Reverend Horton Heat - Galaxy 500
If you want more information about starting your own Gigasize account, you may click HERE to get started. Let me know what you think.

I guess the American public does not know how to react with something intelligent on TV. God forbid we sit down and watch anything other that stupid-ass UNreality shows that cost nothing to produce, require little or no thought process to make, and panders to the lethargic, mind-numb lemmings that faithfully report to ol' Mister Neilsen. Now I am not saying that I don't enjoy the occasional "Idol" scandal, but come on!! Studio 60 is apparently on the chopping block for lackluster ratings. And they scheduled it opposite Monday Night Football. Imagine that. NBC must have thought that they couldn't compete with CSI Hackensack or whatever the hell new city that I am sure they have recently added. Oh well, that is all. I reluctantly relinquish my soapbox. Watch what makes you happy. I am going to go read a book.
By the way, a book is one of those paper thingys with words in it.

Hey, we finally found someone we could beat! I mean really beat! 33-0! Isn't that great? One better than .500 is not as bad as .500. I am just looking for something to celebrate here. Let me have it. Please. Pretty please.