Quote of the Week
“...been a long time since I Rock'n'Rolled...” - ME
Okay. It is obvious at this point that our season is in the toilet. That is okay, you can't beat 'em all every year. Now why don't we cut the man a little slack. So Jeff may not be the best O-Coordinator in the history of the game; so what?! We will get it back next year. We still got a shot at those hacks down south. We could make our entire season worth it on one game. Keep your fingers crossed.
Okay people, I know I don't post every day but at least when I do I put some thought into it. Does anyone else find it as despairing as I do that this guy is the only person I can get to leave a comment? Come on! Give me a break! Sumbody gotta give sum feed-back, pimp!
And yes, I do realize that making calumniating remarks about the one guy doing what I want people to do seems somewhat anti-productive. But oh well, I owe him a couple. NOW START COMMENTING!! And thank you in advance for your continued support.

You know, as a father of a little girl, I have spent more than a little time considering the implications of the social perception of beauty on my daughter. Quite frankly, it scares the crap out of me. How do you combat a world of misdirection and bullshit? I am not exactly sure, but I am betting I will have a lot of use for the video I have linked to below. Dove soap has started a campaign against this exact issue. I urge you to take a few minutes to watch. It is not something we did not know, but it is something that my young daughter NEEDS to know. Behold: a digitally enhanced and fantastically beautiful America.
Campaign For Real Beauty

Last night I saw the greatest rock band in the history of rock: "Everclear." I drove all the way to Mobile, Alabama and it was awesome. But the best part is that after the show I met Art Alexakis and he signed a copy of their new CD. You want to talk about crazy. Can you dig it?

You know, my two favorite teams are the mighty Florida State Seminoles...and of course anyone playing the Gators. Today I enjoyed a devastating Seminole victory over Duke and my second favorite team (this Saturday) the Auburn Tigers stuck it to those no-talent hacks from down Gainesville way. What a great day! Those losers damn sure won't be ranked #2 come Monday!

Okay. I really try to limit the amount of television that allow myself to become invested in. That said, as a huge "West Wing" fan, when I heard Aaron Sorkin had a new show on NBC I had to take a chance. I have waited for three episodes before I chose to blog on the topic. Now I can confidently say that this show is absolutely amazing. "West Wing" fans still in mourning over the loss of our beloved show collectively stood and cheered after watching the season premier of "Studio 60." It has the same fast-paced drama and intelligence that made "West Wing" great. If you deplore most of the crap on television like I do, I urge you to give this a try. As TV goes...this is extraordinary.

I apologize to Mrs. Sandra Bennage for not properly acknowledging that the totally sweet pDNA referral came from her and not from Chris as I stated. I should have immediately known that something that cool was not from Chris.

Chris Bennage turned me on to this cool site called Personal DNA that offers a free psychological profile. It is very cool. I had to take it twice though. The first time I took it the results said I was a "Psychopathic Serial Killer". I thought that was crap so I took it again and lied my ass off on every question. The link below will allow you to view my profile.
My Personal Dna Report