Beaux Avery singing with Everclear
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Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Freakin' Bachelor
I feel compelled to ask the existential question: "Does the television show 'The Bachelor' personally offend everyone else as much as it does me?" Not only is it the most mind-numbing drivel ever put on TV, the characters in the program disgust me in a profound way. First, I would like to say that my exposure to this show has come in the form of background noise while I frantically and desperately try to tune it out. That is plenty. I think anyone who has any feelings toward the sanctity of marriage has to feel the compulsion to fight back a gag-reflex at the mere mention of this pile of crap program. The way the characters so fervently try to convince viewers that their intentions for being on this show are authentic is laughable at best. In this era of "Reality Jackass" attention whores, these cats take the cake. If any of them had any real talent or value they could have found some other way to achieve a Second-Rate-Lifetime-Network-Original-Movie acting career that they all obviously aspire to.
I understand the concept of "Escapism", but you know as well as I do that tens of thousands of people who watch this show accept it as actual reality. This speaks volumes about the current state of our ignorant and apathetic countrymen (and women.)
I need to go back and reread 'Revelations' because this show MUST be one of the signs of the apocalypse. I am beginning to think that the reason we as Americans are so universally hated has less to do with our war mongering and more to do with shit like this.
Posted by
Beaux Avery
5:44 PM