Quote of the Week
“...been a long time since I Rock'n'Rolled...” - ME
Of all the things that have ever happen to me, this was the most like winning the lottery. My Idol Art Alexakis randomly picked me from the audience to sing a Led Zeppelin song with him in the middle of a concert! Un-freaking-believable!!! One of the greatest moments of my life!
Everclear has been my favorite band for almost 20 years! This truly is a dream come true!
Short post...
Beaux is a happy man!
If you have seen her, you know why. :)

We have been metaphorically RAPED by the greatest story ever told in the context of a television program.
Before I get started, please allow me to dismiss the naysayers. Do not come at me with, "You are missing the concept of the show" or "You aren't one of those people who needs everything spoon-fed to you, are you?" I will get to this later.
All of you people (and you know who you are) GET OUT! Stop reading. This is not for you!
Now for the nitty-gritty: I have invested years in this story. I have taken it very seriously. Lost captivated me from the first episode and took me to a place that I do not allow things as trivial as television programs to take me. I have rearranged schedules, discussed, contemplated, mused over, and even purchased DVR service in order to watch the show 20 minutes after it started as to avoid commercial interruption. I really took it seriously. My problem is simply this...as I stand here at the end of this journey I feel like Ned Beatty on a rafting trip gone horribly wrong.
I loved the story. Absolutely original storytelling that kept me riveted week after week, year after year. I loved the characters. Tremendous development from start to finish. Almost War and Peace like. I loved not knowing. The cliffhangers left me wanting more at every turn. But do you know what I don't love? The fact that promises were made. Do you hear me Lindelof and Cuse? You lying Sacks-of-Shit! I have been promised answers. LOTS OF ANSWERS!
My problem with the way they mutilated the ending of my favorite television show of all time is that they promised to answer all the questions. They promised to explain the insanity. They promised to give closure. They promised to justify the 242 hours of scrutiny I gave their masterpiece (I watched all of the episodes twice). It would be one thing if they just pulled a Twin Peaks on all of us and screwed us unexpectedly, but they didn't do that. THEY LIED! I do understand the concept of the show. I do understand that one of the things that made it great was the not knowing. I do understand the difference between being spoon-fed a story line and being made to think. Unfortunately, you don't get to promise answers over and over again only to cop out at the end and then throw some bullshit excuse about what the essence of the show is simply to justify why you dropped the damn ball! This smoke and mirror act is so very PLAYED!
In summary, if you want to appease this viewer, rewrite the finale. Rewrite the half of the sixth season you wasted on the meaningless Flash-Sideways that ended up right where you promised the show wouldn't end...in some sort of pseudo-Purgatory! Tell me why that God forsaken island is there in the first place (not some diluted answer about containing the light of all men). Where did it come from? Why were the numbers so important (even to people like those in the Dharma Initiative who had no knowledge of the cave)? WHAT WAS THE MAN IN BLACK'S FIRST NAME?!?!
If you promise what you can't deliver, it comes off as a colossal FAIL that was stretched out for the sole purpose of emotionally and intellectually blackmailing all of us in the name of simple commercialistic greed. Abrams, Cuse and Lindelof are officially boycotted in this household (Unless J.J. does another Star Trek because that movie actually had an ending)!
As for me, I am going to go sit on one of those special inner tube pillows given to patients who just had a hemorrhoidectomy and watch some mindless reality TV for while. That’ll show ‘em!

You know, it has been said that a friend will help you move...but a "Real" friend will help you move the bodies! Big shout out to Aaron. He is the MAN!!
I may have forgotten to mention our new place is a third floor walk-up.
Needless to say we are all moved in. As for where the bodies are buried...I will never tell :)